Creating a New Listing

What loan terms would you recommend I use for my listing?

We are unable to provide recommendations on specific loan listings. In an effort to assist our users in determining appropriate inputs, however, we did publish a post providing some general data and commentary around collateralized loans across various industries. We will also be sharing platform data once we have sufficient transaction history.

In addition, users can navigate to several analytical platforms around the TopShot and AllDay ecosystem for information on historical sales, valuation estimates, trends, and more. Some of our favorites: MomentRanks, Own the Moment (OTM), Evaluate Market, and LiveToken. Please note that the preceding websites are third-party, independent platforms and Flowty cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information and analytics.

On March 25, 2022, Flowty added a MomentRanks (MR) LTV to the listing modal to provide some additional information to Borrowers as they consider appropriate loan terms. Read more about MR LTV and how to think of the metric here.

Note: we will add links to platforms that support Ballerz and other Flow-based NFT valuations as soon as we have the information available to us

Why is there a collection royalty and how does it work?

Flowty supports creators and builders and wants to ensure that the platform is not used as a way to circumvent royalties that would be assessed when transacting through traditional marketplaces. As such, in a default scenario (Borrower does not repay loan), when there is a transfer of ownership, Flowty will remit a royalty to the collection’s creator.

The royalty is collected from the Lender’s initial funding of a loan and held in a smart contract (Flowty never takes custody). If a loan is repaid by Borrower (no transfer of ownership), the royalty is returned to Lender. If the loan is not repaid and there is a transfer of ownership (collateral sent to Lender), the royalty is automatically sent to the collection’s creator. The royalty is set by the issuer/creator of an NFT (NBA TopShot’s royalty is 5%, for example) and represents a % of the loan amount from the Borrower’s perspective. For additional detail, please review our post on fees here.

How do I opt in for auto repayment?

Borrowers can opt in for auto repayment when creating a new listing by advancing to the next page after inputting terms and checking the box next to auto repayment

How does auto repayment work?

If a Borrower has opted in for auto repayment AND has a sufficient balance (of the same token as the loan and in the same wallet as the one used to post the listing), the Flowty smart contract will automatically repay your loan for you at (or soon after) maturity

Why is the Loan Amount on my loan listing (in Marketplace) different from the amount I will be receiving if a Lender fills my loan?

The Loan Amount in a loan listing (as seen in the Marketplace) is inclusive of the Flowty fee and collection royalty. Please visit our post on fees for more information and details on the process.

Can the same collateral be included in more than one Marketplace listing?


Why can’t I see my NFT in my wallet when creating a new listing?

If an NFT does not appear in your wallet, it is likely from a project that Flowty does not yet support on the platform. If the NFT is from a supported project or collection, please file a support ticket on Discord.

Will my Marketplace listing ever expire?

Yes. To protect our users, incentivize users to post realistic listings, and ensure the Marketplace is not bogged down by stale listings, all listings will automatically be removed from the Marketplace after 30 days.

Why is there a listing fee?

At the time of writing, we have waived the listing fee and will notify our users via Discord if that changes

There are effectively no gas fees to transact on Flowty. If we were to offer free listings, we may be subject to malicious attacks from users who list hundreds or thousands of loans at unrealistic prices, which would clog our Marketplace or make the filter/sort/search functions ineffective.

Separately, a listing fee helps ensure that Borrowers have an incentive to list loans with realistic terms, which is important for the Lender experience. We will likely introduce ways for users to unlock free listings over time.

Are there any restrictions on listing inputs?

Yes. When a Borrower is creating a new listing, the listing must meet the following ranges:

Loan Amount: $25-$50,000 (we will continue to increase the upper limit over time)

APR: 1%-9,999%

Duration: 7–150 Days

Will my collateral still be in my wallet after I have submitted a new listing?

Yes. Up until the time a Lender funds a listing, your collateral will remain in your full possession and control. You can transfer it to another wallet, list it on a marketplace or even add another Flowty listing with the same collateral.

Active Loans

When am I eligible to repay a loan?

A loan can be repaid any time before maturity.

How do I repay an active (funded) loan?

Ensure you have sufficient funds to repay the loan. Navigate to Wallet > Activity > Loans > Borrower. If a loan status is “FUNDED” — it is outstanding. Click the loan and select repay on the next page. To help with navigation, users can filter by FUNDED to only see outstanding loans.

Can I pay back a portion of my loan?

No, Borrowers can only repay in full.

If I repay early, do I get my NFT back right away?

Yes, you will receive your NFT back immediately upon repayment. The NFT is transferred back to your wallet as part of the same transaction on the blockchain.

Will I receive notifications about outstanding loans?

Yes. Unless we have technical issues, you will receive notifications regarding listings, funded loans (for Borrowers and Lenders), upcoming loan maturities, repayments, defaults, and more.

Please monitor your listings and loans and do not solely rely on flowty’s notifications.

If my collateral is part of an active (funded) loan, will the collateral still be in my wallet for the purposes of airdrops, Top Shot Score, challenges, or otherwise?

No, the collateral is transferred out of a Borrower’s account when the loan is funded. If a Borrower needs to retrieve collateral, he can fully repay the loan at any time, which will automatically send the collateral back to the Borrower’s wallet.

I can no longer access the wallet I used to make my listing, can I repay the loan from another wallet?

No, the same wallet must be used from the beginning to end of a loan

Can I edit an existing listing?

Not at this time, but we are looking into it

Can I extend an active (funded but not expired) loan?

No. Loan duration cannot be extended during the course of an active loan.

Last updated