
Some possible solutions to common issues on Flowty

Dapper Wallet not connecting

  1. Turn off pop-up blocker and retry

  2. Confirm that you can connect to NBA Top Shot (or any other Dapper Sports platform)

  3. If you have tried the above steps, can connect to NBA Top Shot and cannot connect to Flowty, please open a #support ticket via our Discord

Blocto Wallet not connecting

  1. Disconnect then reconnect wallet

  2. Please open a #support ticket via our Discord

I just purchased / rented an NFT via Blocto and I don't see it in my Blocto wallet

  1. Wait five minutes - blockchain transactions may take longer than expected

  2. Check to see if the NFT appears in your Flowty Profile

    1. If YES

      1. The NFT is safely in your wallet and the issue is likely a display error on the Blocto side

    2. If NO

      1. Please open a #support ticket via our Discord

I am missing an NFT in my wallet

If anything is displayed incorrectly or is missing in your (or another user's) wallet:

  1. Ensure that you are connected with the correct wallet

  2. If you are connected with the correct wallet but are still having issues, refresh Profile using this button (you can refresh another user's profile):

Why are "Sort" and "Filter" disabled in the marketplace?

Select a listing type (Buy Now, Rental, Loan) to enable Sort and Filter in the marketplace. Because we have many listing types, there is no logical way to sort / filter until a listing type is selected.

Note: You can always search / filter by collection trait in the marketplace, since traits are not listing type-specific

Other Issues

  1. Sign out then sign back in

  2. Check our various FAQ and guides available in these Product Docs

  3. Please open a #support ticket via our Discord

Last updated