
How should royalties be managed?

Some NFTs have royalty information attached to them. Marketplaces may utilize this information to allocate a portion of sales to a designated recipient.

A Royalty has the following characteristics:

  • Cut: What percentage of a sale should go to this Royalty?

  • Receiver: A FungibleToken Receiver Capability to send tokens to

  • Description (Optional): A description of what this Royalty is for

Flowty doesn't display these Royalties anywhere but does make use of them inside of our smart contracts.

One challenge many platforms on Flow (because of its capabilities based language) encounter with Royalties is how to handle sending tokens to a receiver that is not configured properly.

To solve this, Flowty does the following:

  1. Every token we support has a mapping of the receiver path it should go to

  2. When we read a royalty during a sale, we will check what address the royalty is for

  3. Using that address, we will rebuild the capability that the royalty is meant go to

  4. If a royalty receiver is not configured properly, Flowty makes use of the Lost and Found tool to send tokens somewhere that the receiver can redeem at any time.

    • NOTE: Lost and Found is a safety mechanism to prevent anyone from being able to prevent an NFT from being sold by making royalties invalid. You can learn more about Lost and Found here.

    • In the case of Dapper Wallet, any invalid royalties cannot be sent to Lost and Found. Instead, these royalties will be given to the seller of an NFT.

pub resource NFT: NonFungibleToken.INFT, MetadataViews.Resolver {
    // ...

    pub fun resolveView(_ view: Type): AnyStruct? {
        switch view {
            case Type<MetadataViews.Royalties>():
                // note: Royalties are not aware of the token being used with, so the path is not useful right now
                // eventually the FungibleTokenSwitchboard might be an option
                let cut = MetadataViews.Royalty(
                    receiver: Avataaars.account.getCapability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>(/public/somePath),
                    cut: 0.025, // 2.5% royalty
                    description: "Creator Royalty"
                var royalties: [MetadataViews.Royalty] = [cut]
                return MetadataViews.Royalties(royalties)
            // ...
        return nil

    // ...

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