Hybrid Custody

Also known as Account Linking

Hybrid Custody is a flexible account management pattern for the Flow blockchain. The reference deployment was developed by Flowty and provides you a powerful a new way to think about and manage your accounts on Flow. With it, a Parent account (defined in Overview) can be granted partial or full access to another account.


On Flow, many applications manage accounts for their users, generally to ensure a quicker or more streamlined experience. These accounts cannot be shared fully with users because the application relies on the account's setup to run properly. If access is given, a user could alter the application's account in a way such that unexpected behavior occurs or even breaks the app! However, without access, users do not benefit from their account being on a blockchain and the broad variety of tools and features across the Flow ecosystem.

Hybrid Custody permits applications to share access only to what they want a user to be able to use. For instance, a game that generates items as NFTs might want to let their users access owned items but not the character they play.

What it looks like

Flowty will recognize Child accounts (defined in Overview) and show them on profiles of any address you view

NOTE: Balances will only be shown to a user on their own profile, they are not shown publicly.

In addition to Profiles on Flowty showcasing Hybrid Custody, they will also, via NFT cards, inform visitors about the ownership of an item and what level of access their actively connected account has to it.

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